Thursday, 7 May 2015

Hearthstone Decks: Bomber Druid

It's been a little while since I've made a new post about my gaming adventures, and to those who have been eagerly waiting for the next episode of shenaniganeries, I do apologise deeply. You see, I have started to actively play Heroes of the Storm, or as I like to call it, "Homies of the Storm", because it's a 5-on-5 team game that is best played with friends rather than Internet strangers which, in my experience, either have the IQ of a rotten potato or possess an extremely limited vocabulary consisting of "noob", "idiot", and an abundance of curse words (as with any other MOBA game). Nevertheless though it's still pretty damn fun, and after clocking many hours on this game, I wanted to write something about it and found that due to my limited experience and lack of knowledge, I decided that will have to wait another day. For now, please enjoy this deck on Hearthstone that I have made, and boy does it suck.

Continuing with the theme of fun decks, this deck is one that you have most likely never seen before due to how bad it is. It utilises the Mad Bomber and Madder Bomber's ability to almost always hit your own minions and your own face by using other minions that actually benefit from this, most notably the Enrage minions. It is what I call the "Bomber Druid", or the "Rage Druid".

Wait, what the flying crap is the Angry Chicken doing in this deck? That's right guys, 80% of this deck consists of cards that you would almost never see in a Druid deck.

Let's briefly explain what's going on here. The damage dealers that will hopefully damage our own minions are: Mad Bomber, Madder Bomber, Wild Pyromancer, and Moonfire. The bombers, in the right situations, can actually be used as unexpected removal as long as the bombs land in the right places. Wrath and Keeper of the Grove can be used too, although these are better off used as removal against the opponent's dastardly devils. I decided to throw in a Wild Pyromancer since there are a selection of spells to activate its effect, some of which can be used to keep him alive.

We then have the masochists of the deck that would love to be hurt: Dragon Egg, Amani Berserker, Acolyte of Pain, Raging Worgen, Gurubashi Berserker, Mech-Bear-Cat, and of course, the one and only Angry Chicken.

Look, I know what you're thinking. Angry Chicken is clearly not an optimal card since it needs to be buffed with a health-giving card and then damaged before it can realise it's full potential, but the opportunity to make it work simply cannot be ignored. It makes your victories feel good when you finish them off with the card that everybody loves to look down on and laugh at until they eat an absurd amount of damage to the face. It also makes your opponents racked with guilt for winning. I mean, can you ever feel like you deserved a victory against someone who just wanted to have a jolly time with an Angry Chicken?

Other cards that help give minions some extra juice are Mark of the Wild, Power of the Wild, Mark of Nature, and Dark Wispers. These cards give minions health to ensure they last on the board long enough for their Enrage effects to be activated, although it's mostly there just for the MVP that is the Angry Chicken. Interestingly, playing a Dragon Egg on the first turn and giving it Mark of the Wild on the second works brilliantly since it becomes a 2/4 wall on the field that spawns whelps every time it takes damage, and not many cards can take it out in one blow that early in the game in order to minimise the production of whelps.

A single Naturalize has been included in this deck just for those particular emergency situations when a huge minion needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible before it destroys your entire board or just kills you outright. It's fun to see players throw out huge minions due to the fact Druids have no easy answer to them, only to lose it to Naturalize before thinking "what sane person would even use that card?".

Anyhow, hope you enjoy this deck! It may or may not be perfect (it probably isn't) so if you have any suggestions for improvements, leave a comment below. If you love it, I will love you for loving it. I'll love you as a friend, of course.

Do NOT mess with the Angry Chicken.

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